In ART & WILDERNESS are the preservation of EARTH
In ART & WILDERNESS are the preservation of EARTH.
In this short smART meter animated film, is ART, telling it like it really is.
Just over 4 minutes. Enjoy, I suppose. Pass it on, definitely.
Director’s Notes:
Our cartoon exposing the truth about Smart Meters is now done and YOU are among the first to receive it!
Together with the voice talent of actor Paul Birchard who has created a wonderfully condescending voice over, we have parodied a 1950’s government information film and turned a propaganda weapon they used against us back at them.
With the news of the WannaCry ransomware attack this weekend (5/14/17), we have been given a textbook example of why the plan to put our energy and water supplies online is an act of utter recklessness. Please help us to get Smart Attack out there NOW so we can expose the madness of this plan for the world to see.
“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh — otherwise they’ll kill you.” ~ Oscar Wilde
With love & gratitude for your support.
Mike, Kirk + Paul
Stop Smart Meters UK //
Infomatic Films //
PS — Heart-felt thanks to those of you who donated to this project and especially for your patience. Both have been greatly appreciated.