Monthly Archive:: April 2013

Just how easy is it to hack personal data out of CMP?

Has CMP lulled you into believing that it’s an expert in protecting data, including the voluminous and continuous power usage data that not-so-smart meters relentlessly gather? If you are skeptical about CMP’s security claims, then you won’t be surprised by the report by MPBN (Maine’s PBS-NPR network) that the Iberdrola website has been hacked. Iberdrola,

Intervenor-Filed Submissions by Category & Number

Below are Index and Category Lists of evidence filed by the Interveners in MPUC case 2011-00262 (our grassroots effort to stop the exploitative deployment of not-so-smart meters in the State of Maine). In most category PDFs, there are some items shaded in yellow with the notation “Copy Filed in Docket.” These are documents filed in